Kits Family Practice Patient Portal


New Patients

  • Are you currently accepting new patients?

    No, sorry!  Each of our physicians are busy with more-than-full practices, and the only way to maintain quality of care and timely access is to limit the number of patients in our practices. 

Contacting Us

  • How do I contact my doctor? (urgent requests)


    During office hours: 

    CALL our office to speak with reception. (PRESS “5”) or EMAIL and type “URGENT” in the subject line. We respond within the day/hour.

    During lunch hour and after-hours:  

    Call our office and listen to the phone tree. Make the selection to speak with the physician-on-call.  Drs. Chen, Liu, and Su rotate call one week at a time.   You should expect a call within 30 minutes. If you do not receive a response, page again.

  • How do I contact my doctor? (non-urgent requests)

    Phone lines are open Monday to Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm and closed from 12 – 1 pm.

    Please note that you will not hear a ring tone; instead listen to the telephone tree before making your selection. (“5” to reach the staff)

    OR  you can email us anytime at
    We endeavour to reply within 24 hours or the next office day. If you do not receive a reply, please call or email again.

    Emails are only checked during office hours.

  • Where is my requisition form/referral?

    For security reasons, forms and requisitions may be sent to you through the Ocean platform rather than through the Kits Family Practice gmail account. Watch for emails from “Ocean MD”.  PLEASE print or save the attachments as you may only open the message once.  Please email us at if you have any questions.

    Errors/miscommunication can occur. Please contact us if you have NOT received expected information in a reasonable period of time.  

    Email us if you have not received a requistion/form/information which you were expecting within two days of your doctor’s visit.  Unless urgent, we may not be able to email you within the same office day.   

    Re: Specialist appointments: The wait times for specialists/referral clinics are variable.  If you have not heard from us or the specialists’ office within 4 weeks, please feel free to contact us. 

  • I’ve tried calling your office many times and I CANNOT get through. I am frustrated! What else can I do?

    There are 4 ways to contact us or book an appointment depending on urgency:



    Listen to the phone tree. To reach reception directly, press “5”


    We respond to emails in one day


    Ocean Patient Portal

    Book online through the patient portal

    Page Us


    Page the doctor on-call after hours (listen to the phone tree)

    When you call the office – LISTEN TO THE TELEPHONE TREE and listen to all the options. 

    It may be more efficient for you to email us at kitsfamilypractice@gmail.comWe try to respond within one office day.

    After hours and during lunch hour, patients have the option of paging the on-call physician.

    For all non-urgent requests, you can email us.

  • Appointment wait times are too long!

    Many of you are very frustrated with the extremely long wait times to see your doctor for a non-urgent (or even semi-urgent) appointment (a month or more!).  We truly apologize for the shortage of doctors in our office the past few months and into the coming months as well.

    Please be patient as we do our best to manage your health. Please explain the urgency in an email ( if you feel you cannot get an appropriate appointment and we will do our best to provide care.

Booking Online

  •  How do I book appointments on-line?

    We have moved to a new online booking system called Ocean. All active patients can easily access this system.  You simply need to enter in your name, personal health number (PHN), and birthdate. You will be able to select the type of appointment, and view your doctor’s schedule.

    Visit our online booking portal: Kits Family Practice Ocean Portal

    We may send you information/requisitions through Ocean, so PLEASE REMEMBER to check all messages that you receive from “Ocean MD”.

    ALWAYS indicate a telephone number we should call for telephone visits, as many of you have several numbers listed in your file. You can either inform us when booking online (in the text box on Step 3), or email us the number to reach you at.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, much like in an office visit, we may be running late and unfortunately may call up to one hour late. We will try to inform you if we are running quite late. We appreciate that everyone’s time is valuable and we respect that some of you are taking calls during school or work hours.  Please email us a note if you do have a restricted window of time during which to take a call.

  • What can I do if I try to book on-line, but I cannot find any available appointment slots?

    If you have any concerns, please call or email the office! We will always try our best to accommodate urgent concerns and book you with the first available physician if urgent. 

    During office hours – if you cannot reach the receptionist, email us at  

  • If I can’t find an appointment, should I attend a walk-in-clinic or virtual walk-in-clinic?

    No, we would prefer that you contact us first if you have a medical concern (including paging us after-hours). We realize that some of you live quite far from our clinic and therefore the walk-in clinic option is easier. 

    Continuity of care is important in achieving better health outcomes.  We can provide better care to you because we know you and your medical history. We can also provide follow-up as needed. 

    If you must attend a walk-in-clinic, please request that your records and investigation reports be forwarded to us, in order to maintain continuity of care.

  • But if I can’t see my own family physician anyway, why would it matter if I went to another clinic?

    All the doctors in our office share the same electronic medical record (EMR) –  meaning that each visit is added to your medical history giving your care provider a full picture of your health concerns, medication list, etc.  Again, continuity of care is important in helping us to help you.

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